Newman Guide Scholarship Contest Invites Applications


91ֱ’s Ninth Annual Scholarship Contest seeks to award one lucky recipient a potential $20,000 off college tuition at a Newman Guide Recommended college and is expanding the contest to include Catholic high school juniors and seniors this year.

Applications are due by February 18, 2025. All of the details about the contest can be found at this link:

One winner will be randomly selected and will receive a $5,000 scholarship toward the cost of attending a Newman Guide Recommended college. While no essay is required, applicants must submit a short statement explaining his or her interest in a faithful Catholic education and formation at a Newman Guide Recommended college.

Most Newman Guide colleges have agreed to supplement CNS’s scholarship with additional $5,000 grants to the winner over three subsequent years, according to criteria established by each college.

Here are three simple steps to be eligible for the Newman Guide College Scholarship Contest:

  1. Sign up for 91ֱ’s Recruit Me program.
  2. Watch a on the advantages of a Newman Guide Recommended college.
  3. Submit your application with a 3-5 sentence statement explaining your interest in a faithful Catholic education and formation at a Newman Guide Recommended college.

A video interview will be conducted with the winner. The Newman Guide scholarship is made possible thanks to the generosity of Joe and Ann Guiffre, strong advocates of faithful Catholic education.

Last year’s scholarship winner, Dominic Kalpakgian, received a $5,000 scholarship towards his first year at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Steubenville, Ohio. The University has agreed to another $15,000 in scholarships over the next three years if he continues to meet the University’s requirements.

“The Newman Guide proved invaluable in my college discernment process,” said Kalpakgian. “With so many Catholic colleges compromising their mission, The Newman Guide served as a trusted resource to identify schools committed to forming students intellectually and spiritually in line with Church teachings. Moreover, the guide’s endorsement carried significant weight with my parents, who trusted the Newman Guide schools to uphold the values and principles they had instilled in me.”

Questions about this year’s Scholarship Contest can be directed to

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