
Catholic Education Honor Roll

  • Catholic Education Honor Roll

Purpose of the Catholic Education Honor Roll

The Catholic Education Honor Roll (CEHR)Ìýhelps schools strengthen their Catholic identity by evaluating internal policies and practices and recognizing schools committed to the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education.

Principles of Catholic Identity in Education

The Honor Roll criteria conform (since 2017) to the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education, which 91Ö±²¥ has derived from Church teaching and guidance on elementary and secondary education. They are: Inspired by Divine Mission; Models Christian Communion; Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, and Sacrament; Integrally Forms the Human Person; and Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World.

Current Catholic Education Honor Roll Schools recognized through 2025

– Fort Wayne, IN

– Minot, ND

– Ann Arbor, MI

– Mt. Vernon, NY

– Newport News, VA

– Taylors, SC

– Mason, OH

(K-8) – San Antonio, TX

(K-8) – Chesterfield, MO

(K-8) – Houston, TX


Once approved as an Honor Roll school, a school receives a certificate of recognition good for five years. The school also receives a media resource packet to highlight recognition. Recognized schools find the positive publicity associated with the award a powerful way to increase reputation, enrollment, and donations. This nationally recognized status enables schools to tell not just their local populations but also colleges, universities, and a broad national audience that they excel as outstanding Catholic schools.

The Honor Roll does not publicize which schools are in the application process or which schools have been denied recognition.

The Catholic Education Honor Roll may revoke recognition status at its sole discretion.

Several Honor Roll schools will be invited to serve as Honor Roll Ambassador Schools. TheseÌýschools agree to work closely with the Honor Roll program, assisting other schools in best practices for Catholic education. Additional evaluation requirements exist for Honor Roll Ambassador Schools.

The Honor Roll process depends on a school’s voluntary application for recognition. The absence of a school from the Honor Roll list should not be construed to mean disapproval. It could mean the school did not apply, failed to provide adequate information, did not fully complete the application, was ineligible, or had some other obstacle to recognition.

91Ö±²¥, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and defending faithful Catholic education, manages the Honor Roll. In 2012, the Society inherited the program from the Acton Institute, which founded the program in 2004.

Each Honor Roll school must post the Honor Roll certificate and Principles of Catholic Identity in Education poster in a public place.

The school must annually update demographic and contact information.

The school must display the fiveÌýPrinciples of Catholic Identity in EducationÌýon its website along with the most recent Honor Roll application (only those questions designated as public). If access to portions of the website are restricted, the school must ensure that these are available to at least all parents, students, faculty, and leaders of the school.

School administrators are responsible for informing the Honor Roll if the school is no longer able to demonstrate full compliance with theÌýPrinciples of Catholic Identity in Education.

Accepting recognized status as an Honor Roll school commits the entire school community to upholding theÌýPrinciples of Catholic Identity in Education. Concerns about failure to do this should be addressed directly to the school administration or the school board as appropriate. If concerns are conveyed to 91Ö±²¥, copies (with any identifying information included) will be forwarded to the school administration for their follow-up.

Additional Resources

91Ö±²¥ has resources available to assist schools with enhancing Catholic identity. ÌýAmong them are:

– ÌýPrinciples of Catholic Identity in Education: Questions for Reflection and Assessment. A summary of the Church teachings on Catholic education with further questions for self-assessment to strengthen Catholic identity.

– ÌýPrinciples of Catholic Identity in Education: Faculty In-Service. A series of formative in-services and reflections for Catholic teachers based on five principles of Catholic identity.

– ÌýPrinciples of Catholic Identity in Education: Board Reflection. A series of formative in-services and reflections for board members based on five principles of Catholic identity.

– ÌýCatholic Curriculum Standards. A resource for educators to ensure that a Catholic worldview is appropriately integrated into all areas of academic instruction.

– ÌýThe Call to Teach: Expectations for the Catholic Educator in Magisterial Teaching. A booklet presenting Church teachings describing how educators fulfill their essential role as witnesses to the faith in wordÌýandÌýin deed.

–ÌýFaith and Morals Language in Catholic School Teacher Employment Documents: Best Practices Brief. A compilation of best practices in Catholic school employment agreements articulating the expectations of teachers in the areas of faith and morals.

– ÌýHuman Sexuality Policies for Catholic Schools. A resource guide responding to the need for faithfulness, clarity, charity, and integrity in policy issues related to human sexuality in Catholic schools.

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